Monday, November 14, 2011

Peaks and Valleys

It was a perfect afternoon for golf and the Patsies werent on until Sunday night so we had plenty of time to play.  C-Mo and I decided upon Poquoy Brook which is clearly in support of the home team.

The Course:

Poquoy Brook ( is located in Lakeville, MA just south of Boston and it is a gem of a course.  I dont know where the term Indian Summer comes from, or what its true meaning is but I like it.  If I were Websters (and thank god for the human race that Im not) I would describe it as a period of time in fall that allows Ian to play a ton of golf at a discounted rate in really nice weather.  Thank you Indians.  You can have my wampum at your casinos as long as you keep providing me with late rounds of golf.  Sounds like a fair trade.  Not like my early ancestors that stole America from you.....too soon?

It was only 30 beans to play 18 holes for walking and only an extra 10 beans to take a cart.  That is what I call value my freinds.  First off only $30 to play this course is an absolute steal.  Minus the leaves on the course it was in fantastic shape.  The greens were quick and rolling true and the fairways were still well kept.  It was a little soggy but you cant fault the course for that.  Secondly an extra $10 for a cart is what every course should charge.  I typically dont take a cart because I enjoy the exercise of walking but when I do I CANT STAND paying $20 to utilize something that only cost the course 20 cents to operate (that is not value)

The course had a great mix of all types of holes.  Short, Long, Up, Down with a couple of nice blind shots mixed in.  Most holes are tree lined which I think adds some visual value.  It also gives me an aiming point and landing point for my golf ball (the two are never the same).  There isnt a whole lot of OB and if you tend to spray it a little you can knock it back in your own fairway without losing your golf ball.  OR, if your feeling saucy you can play it up the other persons fairway and hit back into your hole when you have a clear opening.  I might have done that a couple of times.  They do have a nice creek running through the course on some holes and some other added water features.  Overall a very pretty course with a great mix of holes that are very well laid out.

The Round:

I titled the post peaks and valleys because that is how my day went.  I had two birdes to complement my two snowmen.  I had a great lesson the previous week and was obviously able to incorporate it on a couple of holes and then totally lost it on a couple others.  C-Mo and I showed up a little late so we had to skip the first hole.  We decided that we probably would have birdied it, so we gave ourselves par just so it didnt feel like we were cheating.

My front 9 sucked, minus my birdie.  I decided to grab two bloodies (yea I said 2) at the turn to make my second 9 better.  Apparently something clicked because I hit a huge anti-gravity ball off the 10th tee.  I drew a bulls eye to show where it landed, stupid long!

Here is a view back to the tee from where it landed.  Holy Ballz!

I was sporting my new Triple Bogey vanilla golf shirt.  These guys are awesome, check them out (  They have a great view on the game of golf and an even better product.  Their shirts run in the $15 range and are well worth the money.  It feels like a cotton bed sheet wrapped around your body.  I think that it is made from 800 count Egyptian cotton, just a guesstimate.  It fits well and leaves you plenty of room to swing (and I have a big swing if you know what I mean).

C-Mo played well.  He had a case of the lefts going on but eventually calculated how to play with them for the better part of the round.  Our match ended up even at the end of the day after a bunch of back and forth.  It added some good excitement to the round though.  We played with two randoms and one of them was named Fuk.  He said it was the John Smith of Vietnam.  I think the Vietnamese could have picked a better letter combination for the most common name in their country.  This only prompted C-Mo to make a ton of Austin Power references.  We thought it was hilarious, Fuk didnt share our enthusiasm.

The Beer:

The Brook does not have cart girls (cart people for my PC readers).  They might during the full season but in the middle of fall there was no one out there to quench my thirst.  I tried to get a bloody before we tee'd off but they dont start serving until 11am (thanks a lot Massachusetts).  I tried to drop a couple of dollars to see if that helped establish my own laws but it didnt change a thing.  Like I said earlier I did have two at the turn and they were delicious.  A home grown mix with good spice and a heavy poor.

Poquoy has a good selection of beers and a full bar.

I decided upon a Bass Ale ( after the round.  It was, okay.  I would typically go for the Sams October but at the beginning of the season I said I would try all types of beers to see what is best.  Bass has a good flavor, not enough hops for my liking, and a little more bitter than I typically enjoy.  It just didnt mix right for me with the crisp fall air.  Maybe it is better suited for a mid-summer or early spring round but that judgement will have to wait until next season.  I do love Bass in a black and tan but I didnt have that option.  Maybe next time.

Final Tally:

2 count em 2 Birdies, 1 beer, and 2 bloodies.  Until next time...its peanut butter jelly time.  I racked my brain for an alcohol related phrase but it just wasnt coming to me.  Ill try better next time.

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